In search of the European public

Activiteit van externe partij

Datum: vrijdag 26 september 2008
Locatie: Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam
Informatie: Bijdrage (incl. koffie en lunch) € 15.00/ € 7,50 (studenten)
Toegang: Bijdrage (incl. koffie en lunch) € 15.00/ € 7,50 (studenten)


Public sphere, language and political voices

The French and Dutch ‘No’ votes in the referenda on the Constitutional Treaty of the European Union in 2005 and the more recent Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty form a compelling invitation to examine the problematic relationship between a nascent European political order and its reluctant public.

It is now widely recognised that the legitimacy of European decisions cannot be provided by procedures and tacit consent alone: major political decisions demand for public debate beforehand and public acceptance afterwards. The negative result of the Irish referendum has shown that the search for the European public will remain topical.

This search will be examined from three perspectives: the public sphere, its languages, and its political voices.

Lecturers are, among others, Ruud Koopmans, Philippe van Parijs, Abram de Swaan and Ulrich K. Preuß.

Programma (pdf)



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