Fotoexpositie Thomas Zika: Somnambule

Activiteit van externe partij

Datum: zaterdag 31 oktober 2015 om 16:00 uur tot 9 december 2015
Locatie: Van Kranendonk Gallery, Westeinde 29, Den Haag
Toegang: Op afspraak via / tel. +31 (0)70-3650406
Fotoexpositie Thomas Zika: Somnambule
© Van Kranendonk Gallery

The new exhibition of German artist Thomas Zika shows photographs with a waterfall of flower images, so it seems at first sight. When one looks more closely one discovers a very different world,  for these flowers only exist as printed or painted flowers.  It looks like a sublimation of flower in nature. The real flower blossoms, sometimes smells, but at a certain point fades away. The printed flowers stay forever bright.

Thomas Zika knows all the aspects of flowers and therefore can freely compose his images before the camera eye in the darkroom, where silhouettes of flowers dance in different forms on different backgrounds. The photographs are handmade so to speak, blown into life in the play with negatives plunged in the chemicals of the darkroom.Somnambule flowers, seeing  the works in the exhibition feels like walking in dreams, looking for the nicest flower or flower combination.  They are enchanting,  bringing the viewer in a state of mind where memory and reality flow into each other. Immerse yourself in this prominent exhibition.

Thomas Zika: Somnambule wordt georganiseerd door Van Kranendonk Galler.

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Tags: kunst

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