Springtime in Amsterdam |
Peter Sloterdijk and others on voluntary taxation in a globalized world

Activiteit van externe partij

Datum: donderdag 21 maart 2019 om 09:00 uur tot 17:00 uur
Locatie: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Roeterseilandcampus, Building A Lecture Room A 1.02 (first floor), Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Amsterdam
Informatie: Voertaal: Engels. Meer informatie via: http://actl.uva.nl/content/events/events/2019/03/21-maart-2019.html
Toegang: € 150,- p.p. voor niet-studenten, € 10 p.p. voor studenten
Springtime in Amsterdam |
© Fronteiras do Pensamento | Luiz Munhoz

De Duitse cultuurfilosoof Peter Sloterdijk en Nederlandse filosoof René ten Bos spreken op woensdag 21 maart tijdens het seminar Springtime in Amsterdam op de UvA over de ideeën van Peter Sloterdijk met betrekking tot belastingen. René ten Bos zal Peter Sloterdijk hierover interviewen. 


The world-famous philosopher Peter Sloterdijk has made a claim to change taxes, gradually and carefully, from enforced levies into voluntary contributions from citizens for society (through the State as intermediary). Striking about this is the two-fold change of perspective: from forced to voluntary contribution, on the one hand, and from paying taxes to - and for the purpose of - the State to payments for the benefit of society, on the other.

The seminar aims at connecting this idea to the international tax planning opportunities which are available to wealthy individuals and multinational companies in a globalized world. In his philosophical theory of globalization, Sloterdijk quotes Adam Smith as saying already in 1776 that “a merchant is not necessarily the citizen of any particular country. It is in a great measure indifferent to him from what place he carries on his trade; and a very trifling disgust will make him remove his capital, and together with it all the industry which it supports, from one country to another.”
Indeed, despite efforts by the OECD and the EU, for taxpayers that are not bound by national borders, the amount of profit or income taxes they will pay and in which jurisdiction, is to a large extent a matter of free choice. This raises issues for those taxpayers that are unable to move freely across the globe and who, therefore, remain trapped in their jurisdiction. They will have to bear the burden of financing the common good in their jurisdiction: for them the tax system is compulsory. This raises the issue of (in)equality.
Should the solution to this issue be found in more complex rules and regulations in order to capture the ‘borderless’ taxpayer or is it time for a radical solution? Can the current tax system be reformed into a system based on voluntary contributions? Is it possible to set all taxpayers free and to create an atmosphere where everyone is proud to contribute to the common good for all? What is the role of philanthropy?

These and similar questions will be discussed in the Springtime Seminar in Amsterdam, devoted to the views of Peter Sloterdijk.

Organisator is Amsterdam Centre of Tax Law.

Meer over het programma en de sprekers


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