Symposium | Hansards in the World
Continuity and Discontinuity on the Intellectual, Cultural, and Economic Frontiers of the Early Modern Hanse

Veranstaltung des Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam

Datum: Donnerstag 12 Mai 2022 bis 13 Mai 2022
Ort: Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond, Nes 45 & Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam
Information: Deelname ook online via Zoom mogelijk. Voertaal: Engels
Zugang: Gratis; aanmelden via de website
Symposium | Hansards in the World

On 12 & 13 May 2022, the symposium Hansards in the World will gather and promote new histories of how the merchants, diplomats, intellectuals, politicians, and craftspeople associated with the Hanse interacted with the wider world in the early modern period. Contributions will explore novel perspectives on and approaches to the late life and afterlife of the Hanse. Our participants consider how our view of the Hanse, its people, and its encounters with the non-Hanseatic world changes if we focus on art, everyday life, or political and intellectual currents in the period of its supposed decline from the sixteenth century onwards.

Meer informatie op de website Hansards in the World.

Dit symposium wordt mede mogeljik gemaakt door het DIA.


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