The Climate Crisis
How Can We Save Our Planet Now?
LUX (Nijmegen), 20 April 2023
What can and should we do to address the climate crisis? Why is the Fridays for Future-movement in Germany not only bigger but also more influential? What difference does it make that the greens are part of the government now? Can other democratic instruments, such as forming citizens' councils, help to create a concrete and broadly accepted climate policy? We discussed these questions with two activists from Germany and the Netherlands, Linda Kastrup (Fridays for Future Germany) and Benito Walker (Youth for Climate NL/Bureau Burgerberaad). We focused on different developments in both countries, as well as how we could work together and learn from each other. German singer-songwriter and "Artist for Future" Gisbert zu Knyphausen approached the topic with a special selection of his music. Moderation: Mario Daniels (DIA)
Zu Knyphausen: melancholische 'Liedermacher'
Achtergrond - 19 april 2023 - Auteur: Wiebke Pittlik
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