Amsterdam German Studies Lecture: Christina von Hodenberg
Navigating Gender Regimes in History. Old women in the focus of social science in West Germany and Britain, 1950s-1980s

Veranstaltung des Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam

Datum: Donnerstag 20 Oktober 2022 um 17:00 Uhr bis 18:30 Uhr
Ort: SPUI25, Spui 25, Amsterdam
Information: Voertaal: Engels.
Zugang: Toegang gratis. Aanmelden via SPUI25:

De sociale situatie van 60-plussers in de tweede helft van de 20e eeuw is een onderbelicht thema in de geschiedwetenschap. Prof. dr. Christina von Hodenberg richt zich in deze lezing op de zelfbeschikking van oudere vrouwen in het naoorlogse West-Duitsland en Groot-Brittannië. Hoe navigeerden oudere vrouwen door de genderregimes van hun tijd? Wat waren hun strategieën om om te gaan met de beperkingen van hun zelfbeschikking, en hoe succesvol waren deze?

While post-war social scientists and historians devoted ample time to the study of youth, older demographic groups received comparatively less attention. Therefore much about the social situation and the attitudes of over 60-year old women in the second half of the 20th century remains unknown. Prof. dr. Christina von Hodenberg focuses in this lecture on the agency of old women in post-war West-Germany and Britain. How did older women navigate the gender regimes of their time? What were their strategies of coping with the limits placed on their agency, and how successful were they?

Prof. dr. Christina von Hodenberg is director of the German Historical Institute in London. Von Hodenberg's work revolves around generations, gender and the history of emotions in modern Europe; among other things, she conducted cutting edge research on women as actors in the student revolt of the 1960s. Today she focuses on "Ageing" and how historians can approach outdated social science data material as sources.  

Comments by prof. dr. Bernhard Rieger (Leiden University).

Intro and moderation by dr. Krijn Thijs (DIA).

The registration will be open shortly.

Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam in cooperation with Amsterdam School of Historical Studies  

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