Special lunch meeting with François Heisbourg
Europe’s Current Crises and Transatlantic Stability

Veranstaltung des Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam

Datum: Donnerstag 15 Oktober 2015 um 12:00 Uhr
Ort: Press Centre ‘Nieuwspoort’, Lange Poten 10,, The Hague
Special lunch meeting with François Heisbourg
© Atlantische Commissie

On Thursday, 15 October the Netherlands Atlantic Association and the Germany Institute at the University of Amsterdam (DIA) organize a special lunch meeting with one of Europe’s leading strategic thinkers François Heisbourg.


François Heisbourg is chairman of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. He is also a special advisor of the Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique in Paris. His career has included positions in government (international security adviser to the Minister of Defence), in the defense industry (vice-president of Thomson-CSF) and in academia (professor of world politics at Sciences-Po Paris and director of the IISS).

Speaker: François Heisbourg (International Institute for Strategic Studies; Geneva Centre for Security Policy)

Moderator: Juurd Eijsvoogel (foreign affairs columnist, NRC Handelsblad)

Program: 12.00-12.30hrs.:  Registration; sandwich lunch
                  12.30-14.30hrs.: Introduction followed by interview  and discussion

If you would like to attend this meeting, please register at www.atlcom.nl or send an e-mail to info@atlcom.nl.

 A Special lunch meeting with François Heisbourg is in samenwerking tussen het Duitsland Insituut en de Atlantische Commissie. 




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