Jazmine Contreras
Assistant Professor of History

Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam
Oude Hoogstraat 24 1012 CE Amsterdam

Kloveniersburgwal 48 1012 CX Amsterdam
020 525 3690

Jazmine Contreras is an Assistant Professor of History at Goucher College, Baltimore. Her dissertation, "'We were all in the Resistance': Historical Memory of the Second World War and Holocaust in the Netherlands" examines contemporary controversies surrounding Dutch memory of the Second World War and Shoah. As a fellow at the Duitsland Instituut in fall 2017, Jazmine conducted archival research at NIOD and interviewed museum coordinators, members of the Jewish community, researchers at the National Committee, and children of former NSB members. In winter 2020, she returned to the Duitsland Instituut to finish her series of interviews. In summer 2020, she defended her dissertation successfully. 

"Een Betwiste Plek: The Politics of WWII and Holocaust Memorial Culture." Paper to be presented at the 43d Annual European Studies Conference. University of Nebraska-Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska, October 5th-6th, 2018.

"Een Betwiste Plek: The Politics of WWII and Holocaust Memorial Culture." Presented at the Duitsland Institute Symposium: "Understanding Dutch Memory: Recent Scholarship, Debates, and Memorial Initiatives in the Netherlands." University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. April 26th, 2018.

"Narratives of Resistance and Collaboration at War’s End." Poster presentation at the DAAD Centers Conference: Coalescence or Collapse? Challenges for German and European Studies in the 21st Century. Georgetown University, Washington D.C., December 7-9th, 2016.

Public Lectures and Media

"Nederlandse Blik op de Oorlog nog steeds Beperkt", Interview for Duitslandweb
Duitsland Instituut, University of Amsterdam, May 4th, 2018.

Panelist in Days of Remembrance Event, Augsburg Park Library,
Genocide Education Outreach Program, University of Minnesota, April 26th, 2017.

"Researching the Holocaust" presentation for Highland Park Seniors, Genocide Education Outreach Program, University of Minnesota, April 17th, 2017

Read a interview in Dutch on Duitslandweb about her dissertation.

#Zuhause: Digitaal herdenken in coronatijd

Columns - 3 mei 2020 - Auteur: Jazmine Contreras #Zuhause: Digitaal herdenken in coronatijd
Het is alweer anderhalve maand geleden dat ik in een leeg KLM-vliegtuig zat van Amsterdam naar Los Angeles. Een paar dagen eerder had ik bericht gekregen van de University of Minnesota dat ik naar huis moest komen, vanwege het inreisverbod voor Europa van president Trump. Ik werd gedwongen mijn verblijf in Nederland voor mijn dissertatie twee maanden eerder dan gepland af te breken en ik had gemengde gevoelens om midden in een pandemie naar huis te gaan.

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